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#Vien Dong College


Education Cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City and Gyongsangbuk Do Province – Korea. Extremely attractive study abroad opportunities for students after graduating from secondary school

After the February 2024 event, more than 10 Far Eastern College students received scholarships and officially enrolled in high schools in Gyeongsangbuk Do province – Korea. Yesterday, July 9, 2024, within the framework of a business trip to Korea led by the Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training, Mr. Tran Thanh Hai – Principal of Vien Dong College – had a trip to Visited and signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with MyungIn High School – a girls’ school in Korea. This event opens up many new opportunities for cooperation in the field of education and training between the two schools.



Central Communist Youth Union and Center for the Development of Science, Technology and Young Talents and Vien Dong College held the opening ceremony of “The XXXth National Youth Information Technology Competition, 2024”

After many years of accompanying the National Youth Informatics Contest, on July 6, Southern Regional Round, Vien Dong College continues to be the host unit in coordination with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Development Center. Science, Technology and young talent development organization.



Reduce grade 10 exam stress: Don’t let vocational school be the final solution

In recent years, the number of secondary school graduates deciding to turn to vocational training has gradually increased. However, there are still many psychological and policy barriers that prevent this rate from being as expected.



More than 200 students who graduated from secondary school entered the first batch of 9+3+1 College on June 17, 2024.

On the morning of June 17, 2024, at the 1st floor lobby of Vien Dong College, we warmly welcomed more than 200 secondary school graduates and their parents to attend the first admission of the 9+3+1 College program. as well as the opening of 02 weeks of Vocational Orientation from June 17 to June 30, 2024 to help new students get acquainted with the new learning environment, new learning methods, especially a completely new goal orientation compared to other students. with students continuing to study high school after graduating from middle school.



Ninth grade students studying in the 9+ system: Can go to work early and receive scholarships to study abroad

PNO – Many students, after finishing middle school, do not take the 10th grade exam but choose to study the 9+ program at college. After 3-4 years, students will have both a high school diploma and an intermediate or college diploma. You can go to work immediately or go to university, study abroad… Tran Thien […]



University and College Admissions 2024 (Receiving applications for round 2 until June 29, 2024)

In 2024, Vien Dong College admits 2,800 university level targets (joint program of Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Open University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy and Technology…) and Regular Colleges 2024 with 3 methods: admission from high school transcript scores or admission from high school graduation exam scores 2024 or from the results of the Ho Chi Minh City National University competency assessment exam

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