Vien Dong College Grants Financial Support for Housing Repairs for Policy Beneficiary Families in Thanh Xuan Ward – District 12 – Ho Chi Minh City.
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Vietnam Press Day June 21 is an opportunity for us to thank and honor journalists – those who have been tirelessly dedicating themselves to bringing us accurate, timely and useful information. .
On this special day, we look back and recognize the efforts of journalists, reporters and those working in the journalism industry. They are the silent soldiers on the information front, bringing readers profound articles, authentic reports and meaningful life stories.
Honoring journalism – Honoring honesty
Journalism is not only about writing and reporting news but also a great responsibility in conveying the truth to the public. Journalists have constantly trained, learned and innovated to be able to perform their roles well. They have overcome many difficulties and challenges to ensure that each article and each report is as truthful and objective as possible.
Congratulations Vietnamese journalists
On the occasion of Vietnam Press Day, we would like to send our congratulations and deep gratitude to all journalists, reporters and those working in the journalism industry. Wishing you all to always maintain the fire of passion, continue to create and convey wonderful stories to readers. Thank you for your valuable contributions!
🌺 Vietnam Press Day June 21 – Gratitude and Honor 🌺