Vien Dong College Grants Financial Support for Housing Repairs for Policy Beneficiary Families in Thanh Xuan Ward – District 12 – Ho Chi Minh City.
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On the occasion of the new year 2025, Vien Dong College would like to send a message to all officials, lecturers, workers who have been and are working at the school, parents, students, trainees, alumni, The school’s partners and their families wish a happy new year of good health, peace and happiness!
The year 2024 has ended with many memorable events and milestones. With solidarity, attachment, and high determination, we have overcome everything to complete many set goals and tasks. With all respect, the School would like to thank the companionship of all officials, lecturers, employees, parents, students, pupils and partners throughout the journey. recently. Wishing everyone a good new year with lots of joy, success and luck!