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University and College Admissions 2024 (Receiving applications for round 2 until June 29, 2024)



The school signs a contract to guarantee 100++ jobs for students – if there is no job or low salary, the entire tuition fee will be refunded, see here: click here

Signed training cooperation agreement with City University of Economics. HCM: see here click

In 2024, Vien Dong College admits 2,800 university level targets (joint program of Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Open University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy and Technology…) and Regular Colleges 2024 with 3 methods: admission from high school transcript scores or admission from high school graduation exam scores 2024 or from the results of the Ho Chi Minh City National University competency assessment exam, specifically:

>> School code: CDD0223

>> Target: 2,800 students

>> Enrollment area: In the whole country

>> Training duration: From 2 – 2.5 years (College); From 3 – 3.5 years (University)

>> Admission method: scores are considered from high to low according to the number of criteria:

1. Admission based on high school transcripts/TTGDTX: just need to finish 12th grade => you can become a university student (affiliated program of Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Open School) or regular College

Score: average score for the entire year of grade 11 and first semester of grade 12 or 2 semesters of grade 12 or average score of the entire year of grade 12 >= 6.0

2. Admission based on 2024 high school graduation exam score

3. Admission based on the score of the competency assessment test at Ho Chi Minh City National University 2024

>> Admission requirements: Graduated from high school or continuing education center

>> Industry and profession to register for admission:

>> Tuition for one semester is divided into 2 or 3 payments


No Name Code Admissions block
01 Automotive Engineering Technology: (Click to see details)

Major: Automobile Mechanics; Car Repair; Auto sales and insurance consulting; Automobile transportation management

6510202 A, A1, D1
02 Mechanical Engineering Technology: (Click to see details)

Major: Mechanical engineering; Weld

6510201 A, A1, D1
03 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology: (Click to see details)

Specialties: Construction electricity and electrical machines; Civil electricity, refrigeration; Electromechanics & sensors; Electronic

6510303 A, A1, D1
04 Construction Engineering Technology: (Click to see details)

Specialization: Civil Construction; Road construction

6510103 A, A1, D1
05 Information technology: (Click to see details)

Major: Applied informatics; Application Programming; Software technology; Management information systems; Programming game; In design; Mobile app

6480205 A, A1, D1
06 Graphic design: (Click to see details)

Specialties: Signal identification; Fashion Designer; Industrial design & prototyping; Art; Comic; Multimedia communications

6210402 A, A1, D1
07 Communications & Computer Networks: (Click to see details)

Major: Network communications; Internet

6480104 A, A1, D1
08 Restaurant – Hotel Management: (Click to see details)

Major: Hotel; Resort; Restaurant; Kitchen; Bartending

6810201 A, A1, D1, C
09 Travel & Tourism Service Management: (Click to see details)

Specialization: Service management; QT Travel; Tour guide; Vietnamese studies

6810101 A, A1, D1, C
10 Restaurant – Hotel Operations (Click to see details) 5810205 A, A1, D1, C
11 Food preparation techniques (Click to see details) 5810207 A, A1, D1, C
12  Beauty care: ***new & hot industry*** (Click to see details)

Specialties: Massage; Tattooing, embroidery; Makeup; Nail; Hair

6810404 B1, A, A1, D1, C
13 General Nursing: (Click to see details)

Specialization: General Nursing

6720301 B1, A, A1, D1
14 Midwifery: (Click to see details)

Major: Midwifery; Take care of mother and baby after birth

6720303 B1, A, A1, D1


15 Medical tests (Click to see details) 6720602 B1, A, A1, D1
16 Business Administration: (Click to see details)

Major: General Business Management; QT Marketing; Human Resources Management; QT Foreign Trade; Finance Management; International Business Management; Ecommerce; Import and export; Public Relations

6340404 A, A1, D1, C
17 Logistics: **** new & hot industry **** (Click to see details) Specialty: Logistics; Supply Chain Management; Transport Economics; Transport exploitation 6340113 A, A1, D1, C
18 Accounting: (Click to see details)

Enterprise accounting majors; Bank accountant; Accounting information technology; Accounting business career

6340301 A, A1, D1, C
19 Office administration: (Click to see details)

Major: Office secretary; Administrator; Medical Secretary

6340403 A, A1, D1, C
21 Finance – Banking: (Click to see details)

Specialized business finance; Bank

6340202 A, A1, D1, C
20 English: (Click to see details)

Major: Business English; English teaching; Translator – interpreter

6220206 A1, D1,

Literature – History – English

21 Law (Joint distance learning program, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics)

Specialties: Civil Law, Economic Law

52380101 A, A1, D1, C
22 Pharmacy *** New & HOT Industry*** B1,A,A1,D1
23 Doctors have specialized*** New & HOT majors*** B1,A,A1,D1
24 Preschool pedagogy M05, M07,M18, M13
25 Preschool education M05, M07,M18, M13

>>Time for University and College Admissions based on High School Transcript Scores  2024

=> Admission time:
– Phase 1: from January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024
– Phase 2: from April 1, 2024 to May 15, 2024
– Phase 3: from May 15, 2024 to July 24, 2024
– Phase 4: from July 24, 2024 to August 3, 2024
– Phase 5: from August 3, 2024 to October 7, 2024

Candidates register for admission online at the link: https://tuyensinh.viendong.edu.vn/xettuyen or https://s.vido.edu.vn/Xettuyentructuyen

University and College Admissions 2024 (Receiving applications for round 2 until June 29, 2024)

University and College Admissions 2024 (Receiving applications for round 2 until June 29, 2024)

>> Admission application documents:

– Admission registration form (according to the form in the attached file: Click here)

– Notarized photocopy of high school transcript

– Notarized photocopy of high school diploma or high school graduation certificate

– Birth certificate/ID card photo and 4 3×4 photos

– Priority certificate (if any)

>> How to register for admission:

– Online admission at website: https://tuyensinh.viendong.edu.vn/xettuyen or https://s.vido.edu.vn/Xettuyentructuyen

– Admission based on the results of the competency assessment exam at Ho Chi Minh National University: http://bit.ly/DGNangluc

– Submit the application form by mail or directly at Vien Dong College

>> Enrollment fee: 30,000 VND/application.

>> Tuition: ranges from 470,000 VND – 670,000 VND/credit/15 lessons depending on the training major (Commitment to no increase in tuition and no additional fees during the course of study) tuition is divided into 2 or 3 payments/ 1 semester.

Vien Dong College enrolls regular college students in 2024 and is committed to ensuring jobs in the right industry with high salaries right after graduation: Mechanical, Electrical – Electronics, Automotive, Construction, Information Technology, Design Graphics, Network Communications, Nursing, Tourism, Restaurant, Hotel, English, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance – Banking, Marketing, Office Management, new majors: Midwifery, Beauty care beautiful, Logistics, … Hotlines/Zalo: 0966 337755 – 0977334400 – 0933634400 – FB/Fanpage: Far East College or Far East College

>> Fields that the school is committed to ensuring a high-paying, stable job immediately after graduation (Commitment on paper): Mechanical; Power electronics; Car; Build; Geodetic works; Information technology: Application programming; Network Communications; Graphic design; Nursing; Test; QT Restaurant – Hotel; Management of Tourism and Travel Services; Cooking techniques; Business administration; Marketing; Office Management; Commercial English; English teaching; Law, Logistics, Midwifery, Beauty care…

1. Register online for admission to Universities and Colleges 2024: https://tuyensinh.viendong.edu.vn/xettuyen

2. Cooperation signing ceremony between Vien Dong College and Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics: https://www.ueh.edu.vn/tin-tuc/le-ky-ket-thoa-thuan-hop-tac -mou-giua-ueh-va-school-cao-dang-vien-dong_55578

3. Content of employment commitment contract for students: https://www.viendong.edu.vn/d7150755449-noi-dung-ban-hop-dong-cam-ket-dam-bao-viec-lam- for-sv-after-complete-intermediate.html

4. Study abroad in Germany for free: https://www.viendong.edu.vn/d7152382756-tuyen-sinh-du-hoc-duc-mien-phi-co-hoi-100-lam-viec-dinh-cu- tai-chlb-duc-nhanh-an-toan.html

5. Enterprises and school administrators sign a contract committing to ensure employment for students during their time at school and after graduation: https://www.viendong.edu.vn/d7160604230-tung-bung-ngay -hoi-tuyen-dung-tuyen-birth-2022.html

6. Opening ceremony of the 2nd batch of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City at Vien Dong College: https://www.viendong.edu.vn/d7152382756-tuyen-sinh-du-hoc-duc-mien-phi- co-hoi-100-work-dinh-cu-tai-chlb-duc-nhanh-an-toan.html

7. Admissions to Study in the US: https://www.viendong.edu.vn/d714480-tuyen-sinh-du-hoc-my-2021.html
> Contact information:


Address: Lot 2, Quang Trung Software Park, Tan Chanh Hiep Ward, District 12, HCMC

Hotlines/zalo: 0977 334400 – 0966 337755 – 028 389 11111 – 1800 0002

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